Pakkuda kaunis Fend Shui peegel - Leegitsev päike!
Valmistatud puust, värvitus kuldseks, peeglit saab asendada vajadusel.
Läbimõõt ca 15 cm, riputusaas.
Palun arvestage, et kvaliteet pole kõige parem - Hiina käsitöö!
Soovi korral võib tellida ka suuremaid!
Norm hind 12 €
Sun Flame Mirror, 15 cm
In Chinese FENG means undquot-windundquot- and SHUI means undquot-waterundquot-.
If we direct our vision upward toward the sky and from there, we slowly shift it downward toward the earth, then we see clouds between the undquot-belowundquot- and the undquot-aboveundquot-.
Clouds symbolicaly consist of wind (air) and water.
In acient China, wind and water were considered mediators between Heaven and Earth.
That is why the belief of a profound influence of Heaven on Earth still exists.
It does not only possess the magnificent influence of changing the weather.
Feng Shui - peegel - Leegitsev Päike - ALLAHINDLUS
- Mudel:
- Saadavus:Laos