Naturaalne töötlemata poolvääriskivi  lepidoliit -  uuestisünni kristall!

Mõõdud ca 10 x 5,5 x 3,5 cm.

Kaal ligi 200 g

Päritolumaa - Origin: Araçuai, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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Milky, purple appearance with a warm, loving energy. 
Brings cosmic awareness; aids in shamanic and spiritual journeys. Connects to unconditional love. Helps progression along the spiritual path.
Kaalium-liitium-alumiinium-fluorsilikaat.Läbipaistmatu roosa või lilla vilgukivisisaldusega mineraal. Vääriskiviks peetav lepidoliit on läbikumav ja värvilt enamasti tumelilla. Lilla kivi mõjub mõtetele rahustavalt ja puhastavalt. Roosa lepidoliit tasakaalustab ja elavdab südamekeskust. Suuremal osal kividest on märgata mõlemat värvitooni, mis sümboliseerib mõtete ja tunnete harmoonilist ühtsust. Lepidoliit õilistab ja tasakaalustab tundeelamusi. Ta mõjub ebatavaliselt rahustavalt ning sobib hästi ohjeldama üliaktiivset meelt. Aitab ka erinevaid eluvaldkondi ühendada ja vanadest skeemidest vabanenud meelt korrastada. Ta on üleminekuperioodide kivi. Ta silub vastakusi ning sobib hästi inimesele, kellel on kalduvus suurte otsuste tegemisel ainult mõistusele loota. Ta tasakaalustab neid, kes reageerivad liiga tundlikult eluraskustele. Lepidoliit vähendab ka pingeid lihastes. Ta sisaldab liitiumi ning ravib ka stressi ja masendust. Tema energia on rahulik, kuid rõõmus.
This is the stone of rebirth. Useful for transitions in life. Helpful in times of stress and coping with stress therefore, creating calm and relaxation. Lepidolite is used to help ease the transition from addiction. Gently eases intensity of our emotional feelings, mood swings, depression, manic-depression, worry, and anxiety. Brings hope, relief, gentleness, self-love, patience, self-forgiveness, unworried sleep, mental/emotional balance, and well-being. This stone is particularly good for students as it is helpful for studying, learning, manifesting, change and awareness. This stone is used for self-criticism, when we become down on ourselves, lepidolite allows us to see for ourselves who we really are and the potential that lies within us. To enjoy the benefits from this stone, meditate with it in your hands on a daily basis. Lepidolite balances Brow Chakra with new spiritual love. It speeds up decision making, stimulating the intellect and encouraging independence and free and clear thinking. Scanning this stone around the Aura will allow you to locate discomfort and dis-ease anywhere in the energy field.
 Since lepidolite is a lithium-mica stone it is useful mood swing, bi-polar disorders, treating the master gland and immune system, skin, DNA. This stone is good for creating calm sleep, relieving exhaustion and soothes the body through detoxification. This is the stone to assist in better digestion. Because of its mineral make-up, lepidolite has been used over the centuries for menopause, Alzheimers, sick building syndrome, allergies and epilepsy. As a generator of negative ions, this stone can clean up negativity. Place this stone on or near a computer to clear electromagnetic pollution and computer stress. This stone assists in astral travel, shamanic work and spiritual journeys. Farmers and gardeners have used lepidolite for producing more abundant crops. Lepidolite will cleanse the atmosphere after quarrels between two people.
Feng Shui: Lepidolite is used in the Center area for harmony and balance, in the North area for personal journeys and in the Northeast area for self worth, cultivation, knowledge and wisdom.
Crystal Cleansing: This stone should not be cleansed in salt water due to its fragile nature. 

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Lepidoliit - naturaalne töötlemata kristall

  • Mudel:
  • Saadavus: Laos
  • 20.00€